It’s a beautiful day back in 1968

iabd May-1968 backb
Another combo, for the front cover  seen here on youtube , edited from the front cover from bigozine .

Partly redid it to get a clear picture of the poster, but mostly because 23/5/68 is a significantly longer concert than is represented on bigozine,
with obviously a longer setlist, so I wanted to do a different back to reflect that and it’s sprawl over CDs 1 and 2 anyway. Should probably have made the script larger, mind….

Even more Fillmore with the Grateful Dead 6 June 1970


I don’t often go for matching series covers, but there you go.. anyway, this one at least appears to be complete on gdlive, which is nice

++update 17/12/2015++

Seems that there is a good quality downloadable version of the New Riders of the Purple Sage support set  at the Internet Archive – combine them both in traditional fashion for a 3 CD set!